Argentina, Buenos Aires West Mission
May 2012 - May 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

He's getting married?!!!!!!!!! WOAH!!! To Kylie Hallsey? Haha woah. Who woulda thought! Ummmm, i think ill call home at 6 Argentina time, which would be 2 your time. Because my companion has to call at 7 our time (we're using someones computer this time. ). Sound good? (: So there is an INVASION of mosquitoes these past two weeks! I swear, I've never ever seen so many in my entire life. The storms a few weeks ago left the fields flooded, which created standing water. That mixed with unusually warm weather has created the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Seriously, SWARMS. You open the door, and like 10 fly in instantly. I have bites all over me =\. But it was a pretty normal week besides that. Well, we'll talk to you soon!

E' Bentz

yeah, see those things on my leg? Those are giant mosquitoes.
These things are EVERYWHERE!
Seriously we cant even walk outside without getting eaten alive. 

Monday, April 21, 2014


So, feeling pretty sick right now. I have a "resfrío" (cold). Hopefully ill get over it soon. Looks like everyone had a good Easter! That's awesome. So, a little cool experience from this week:

one morning we were clapping doors, and no one was answering or wanting to talk. Obviously, that's not the first time its happened to me. So we clapped another door, and a lady next door came out and said, "hi elders, no one's home." It was weird that she addressed us as "elders," so we asked if she knew us. She said that she is a member from the Ferrari ward, which is actually right next to Loma Grande, and that she was visiting her sister who lives in Saladillo. So, we went in and taught her sister! A super simple, but powerful experience. What others would call coincidence, I call divine guidance. Have a great week!

E' Bentz

This is "our house, in the middle of the street..."
Hah. Punny.

this is Zaira, one of our investigator's girls.
Shes adorable!!!

indiana jones, anyone...?

Monday, April 14, 2014


Well, not too much to report this week, other than that its been freeezing cold and windy and rainy. Just trying to keep finding people who will accept the gospel. We have a few good investigators, but they all have serious smoking problems. We're trying to help them stop, but its super difficult. So, here i am, just trying to help people change their lives how i can, while i can. I hope you all had a good week, and ill talk to you later. chao!

E' Bentz

Mr. Chicken!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014


What a CRAZY week!!! Obviously, we spent basically the whole week getting us and everyone else ready for general conference (which was awesome, from the sessions i was able to watch). Everything looked like it would work out perfectly. An investigator was going to let us use her laptop, and the people who live next door to the church were going to let us use their wifi, so everyone could come to the church to watch it. Perfect. What could go wrong, right? Welllll, Friday night, a HUGE storm came in. And i mean HUUUGE! I've never seen so much rain at once! We saw that the sky was turning pitch black, so we went to a members house that was close by to hide out from the storm. At about 8:30, we had to head for home. But, we walked outside, and the street (in that part of saladillo all the streets are dirt) was a RIVER. We almost literally had to swim to get out of there. And the power got knocked out, so it was pitch black and pouring rain. At some points the water was up to my waist!!! And towards the center of town, ALL the streets were completely flooded with a foot or more of water. I've never seen anything like it before. A bunch of people were even evacuated from their homes. Anyyyywayys, the point of the story is: the next morning when we went to connect to the wifi, we realized that the Internet service was down. And, upon making a few more calls, we realized that almost no one in saladillo had Internet. So, we didn't get to watch the first session. In the evening we got to see it because we all went to the house of someone who somehow had Internet, and Sunday the Internet worked just fine, thankfully. so, yeah. It's been a crazy week. Today, officially, I am what's called a "pastor," which is a missionary who's in his last transfer. My last six weeks. Its a really strange feeling. i just hope ill be able to make the most of it. We're going to rocky point??? YEAH!!! Lets go!!!! I'll be able to translate for everyone!!!!! =D  (I'm mostly just excited to be able to use my Spanish hahaha) And that sounds like a good plan for my arrival home. Well, have a good week! I love you all!

E' Bentz

the "Chivilcoy Sur" zone with our zone banner.  
tired out from travelling to zone meeting haha.

this is the storm the hit that day. 
The camera couldnt really capture it, 
but the clouds were pitch black and GREEN! with a ton of lightning